English Typing Test - The Cyber Crime
English Typing Test
Cyber Security Concepts
Understanding the Threats to Information Systems
A botnet refers to a network of computers that have been infected by malicious software (computer viruses). These compromised computers, also known as "zombies," can be remotely controlled by a central computer known as the "command-and-control center." The owners of these infected machines typically do not know their systems have been hijacked. The botnet can be used to launch cyber attacks against information systems, often making it difficult to trace the attackers.
Bot Capacity: Refers to the number of computers involved in a botnet. A larger botnet can cause more significant damage.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack
A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack involves rendering a computer resource (such as a website or online service) unavailable to its intended users. This is typically achieved by overwhelming the target system with a flood of traffic or requests. As a result, users cannot access the service, which can cause financial losses, especially if the attack targets critical online systems like payment gateways.
Information System
An Information System refers to any device or group of devices that perform automatic processing of computer data. These systems are designed for a range of tasks including storage, retrieval, transmission, and processing of data. Examples include computers, servers, and networks that work together to facilitate operations, use, protection, and maintenance of computer systems.
Illegal System Interference
Illegal System Interference involves deliberately hindering or interrupting the functioning of an information system. This can be done by inputting, transmitting, deleting, or damaging computer data, often with malicious intent. Such actions are punishable by law when they disrupt the normal operations of systems without authorization.
Large-Scale Attacks
Large-scale attacks can be carried out by massive botnets or may involve highly destructive attacks on information systems. These attacks typically cause significant damage, such as disrupting system services, causing financial losses, or leaking personal data. A "big" botnet can have anywhere from 40,000 to 100,000 compromised devices, capable of launching attacks over a 24-hour period.
Malware is any type of computer software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's consent. It is typically distributed via emails, viruses, or botnets. Malware is often used to steal sensitive data (like passwords) or to convert infected computers into "zombies" that can be used for illegal activities.
Phishing is a form of cybercrime where attackers send fraudulent emails that appear to come from legitimate organizations, such as banks. These emails often encourage recipients to reveal sensitive information such as passwords, account numbers, or credit card details by directing them to fake websites that mimic real ones.
Spam refers to unsolicited electronic messages, typically of a commercial nature, sent in bulk to internet users. These messages are often unwanted and serve as the digital equivalent of junk mail. Spam can clog email inboxes and lead to phishing or malware distribution.
Spyware is software that secretly monitors a user's activities and transmits this information back to third parties. It is often installed on a user's computer without their consent and can gather data on the user's browsing habits, keystrokes, or personal information. This data is usually sold to advertisers or other interested parties.
Ransomware is a type of malware that locks a user's system or encrypts their files, demanding payment (usually in cryptocurrency) in exchange for restoring access. These attacks can have severe financial and operational impacts on individuals and businesses.
A keylogger is a type of surveillance software that records every keystroke made on a computer or mobile device. This information can then be accessed by attackers to steal sensitive data such as passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal details.
Social Engineering
Social engineering is a manipulation technique that exploits human psychology to trick individuals into divulging confidential information. Attackers might impersonate legitimate individuals or organizations to gain unauthorized access to systems or data.
Zero-Day Attack
A zero-day attack occurs when a vulnerability in software or hardware is exploited before the vendor has issued a patch or fix. These attacks are particularly dangerous because there is often no immediate defense available, leaving systems vulnerable.
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